Thursday, July 21, 2011

My journey so far...

I have accepted a job at the Tupelo School District.

Let me be honest with you. This district is the cream of the crop. There ain't no gettin' around it!

I am happy to be a part of it.

I will be teaching ICT I. ICT I is a 7th grade computer class. In this class I will teach keyboarding, word processing, etc. Just the basics.

Here is my time line so far:

July 14: interview and offered the job in the interview.
July 15: accept the job.
July 18: get a call saying I need to go to a new teacher training tomorrow
July 19: new teacher training. I met great new friends!
July 20: new teacher training. I got to know my new friends and about whole brain teaching...Google it, it's awesome. I am praying for the confidence to use it!
July 21: back at my summer job. My last day will be the 29th. I am sad, but excited to start this new adventure.

I will keep you updated on my adventures!

NEXT POST: My classroom!

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