Monday, August 15, 2011

1/7 rough....real rough

1/7 of my day was really rough. The kind of rough where I questioned whether or not I wanted to return tomorrow.

I quickly made the decision that I would, of course.

It was only 1/7. That one period was horrible. I was just as horrible as the kids. I raised my voice. Multiple, multiple times.

The precious souls could not, I mean COULD NOT, keep their mouth shut. I believe at one point I said. "I don't think if I offered y'all 1 million dollars you would keep you mouths shut"

It was horrible, but it was only 1/7 of my day.

The other 6/7 were great! Really great actually.

As mentioned in may other post in my personal blog. Teaching is my calling. The Lord has really been speaking to me about using that ministry and loving the kids. I feel like alot of this comes with patients. For 1/7 of my day my patients was shot, those kids did not feel loved.

To be honest love did not come to mind when I thought about them, and it still doesn't.

So, I ask that you pray for me as I attempt to impact these kids in for eternity. They did not teach me that in any of my Methods classes. There aren't any books written on it.

I truly believe this(learning to love and educate, while impacting) will come from the Lord.

Especially remember my students and I during the 50 minutes between 2:25 and 3:15.


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