Sunday, August 7, 2011

Open house and the first day of school

Whew...things are going well. I have not had a melt down yet. This is a big deal in my opinion. I will celebrate the small victories.

I will start with open house. My open house hours were 9-12 and 3-6. This made for a VERY long day, but it was so worth it!

I enjoyed getting to meet my kids parents. Most of them could tell that I was a new teacher, but surprisingly I didn't feel like they were alarmed. One parent even said: "I can tell you are new, because you have such high energy!" That made me feel great!

Another very sweet parent also told me that she was praying for me. She did not say this in a "you are going to die" kinda of way. She said it in a sweet meaningful way.

I proceeded to tell her how much I appreciated her prayers and that I go to the Lord in prayer every morning before I enter the school.

I use the last 10 minutes of my drive to prepare my self for the school day. So far so good. God is good!

Now on to the first day of school. It was good, not chaotic like teachers had told me it would be.

In case you don't know teachers can be negative. I, and my other new teachers, have made a vow not to be negative. So far so good. One of these new teachers came down the hall crying on the second day of school and she was still positive after school. SUCCESS!

OK, the students were really sweet on the first day. Bless my 2nd periods (first period of the day, 1st period is my planning) they take the brunt of all the technology difficulties. They are for real troopers!

On the first day I felt like the things I was doing were sorta boring and a little bit meaningless, but they weren't and the kids were fine. I felt sorta lost or *insert the word i can't think of here* all day.

Second day was much better! I felt like the students were way more engaged and un-bored than on the first day.

I must say that I have a GREAT mentor teacher. She has been wonderful and helped me through the first two days. SO THANKFUL for her!

See you soon, with more fun stories of my first year of teaching!


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